Newsletter – September 2024
(Pictured above is all 13 of us at the Statue of Liberty)
Newsletter – September 2024
Sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth. Sing to the LORD, praise His name; proclaim His salvation day after day. Psalm 96:1-2 NIV
From the keyboard of Dr. Ross Jutsum
Dear family and friends:
Greetings from Florida on a very warm and sunny late summer’s day!
I served once again as Music Director for the Reunion weekend at Williams College in Williamstown MA. Our dear friend Martha Williamson has welcomed me for the past 22 years (except during the pandemic) to accompany and direct a Reunion Concert with alumni from the 1970s and 1980s. Martha is best known as the Executive Producer of the TV show “Touched by An Angel.”
In July, I was in the Midwest and led a worship service at New Creation in Christ in Ferguson MO and gave a concert at the home of my good friend and treasured ministry partners, Mike and Ruth Keller, in O’Fallon MO.
In August, Tammy and I traveled to Connecticut to spend two weeks with our daughters Heidi and Lisa, husbands Ryan and Jonathan and our 7 precious grandchildren and what a time it was! Lisa and Jon and their five children were visiting the US from Guinea in West Africa on sabbatical. It was two years since we last saw Lisa and family and there were lots of hugs and tickles and music with the entire family! Lisa and Jon are missionaries in Guinea working for Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) with Jon serving as a pilot and Lisa as the Country Director for MAF.
Heidi and Ryan with Grace (11) and Gabriel (8) hosted the family at their home in Woodbridge CT. Heidi continues her work with the NGO humanitarian organization BRAC (Bangladesh Rehabilitation Assistance Committee) and Ryan continues teaching theology at Yale Divinity School and as Associate Director of Yale’s Center for Faith and Culture.
(Lisa and Jon with twins Evelyne and Isaiah (8,) Solomon (“Solo” 6,) and twin boys Aaron and Noah (4.)
The children are thriving in Guinea and going to a French-speaking school. Guinea is a very dangerous place and the family faces a lot of challenges and we ask for your prayers for their safety and security.
One of the highlights of our visit was attending church at Elm City Vineyard Church in the heart of New Haven CT, where Heidi and Ryan serve as elders. Heidi and Lisa and Ryan invited me to join them in leading worship and it was a true delight, especially with Tammy, both daughters and sons-in-law, and all seven grandchildren worshiping together!
Coming up in October I have 2 concerts at churches in Satellite Beach FL and music at a church conference in Destin FL.
We continue to pray for you and yours and really appreciate your prayers and support of our ministries and our families.
With heartfelt gratitude, much love, and prayers for God’s richest blessings.
Ross and Tammy
(Pictured are Heidi & Lisa on vocals, Ryan on guitar, Grandpa Rossy on keyboard/vocals)