Newsletter – May-July 2021
Featured Images: Ross gives first 2021 Driveway Concert; Our Connecticut family all dressed up for church; Ross has a Zoom video editing session with his editor in Pennsylvania
“I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.” Romans 8:38 (New Living)
Dear family, friends and ministry partners:
Tammy and I hope that this finds you and yours safe and healthy. Needless to say, we have made no ministry trips in the past 15 months and are doing what we can to serve our neighbors, family and friends. I just started up another series of Saturday evening “driveway concerts” this past weekend. About 40 folks spread up and down our cul-de-sac and seemed to thoroughly enjoy the 90-minute program. We offered 20 of these concerts in 2020 but put them on hold during the cooler weather and when I needed time for my back to heal.
I have been using this time to complete a number of ministry projects that I have neglected when I was traveling so much. One is the creation of music videos for more of my original worship songs. These will not only be incorporated into live future worship services, but I plan to share them at no charge on the Internet and via e-mail. If “a picture is worth a thousand words” then perhaps a song is worth ten thousand, especially when accompanied by pictures or videos! Perhaps now more than ever before in human history has this world needed to hear the message of hope and peace and true joy that is declared in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our Connecticut family, Heidi, Ryan, Grace (7), and Gabriel (5) are looking forward to a summer visit to California after a year and a half at home in Connecticut. Heidi’s work has been busier than ever as her team responds to the dual economic and health crises that the pandemic has triggered in the most vulnerable parts of the world. She has most recently been working tirelessly helping policymakers and organizations throughout South Asia respond to the COVID-19 surge. Ryan is writing two books and is wrapping up his first all-Zoom semester of teaching “Life Worth Living” at Yale. Grace is a budding poet and environmental activist. She enjoys knitting in her rocking chair while listening to audio versions of the Little House books. Gabriel is excited to start kindergarten in the fall. He knows more about dinosaurs than you do! All have been loving joining their church for masked outdoor services on the New Haven Green.
Wonderful Dad Jonathan and Mom Lisa plus 5 in the Middle East; Almost five-year old twins Isaiah and Evelyne holding one-year-old twins Aaron & Noah, with three-year old Solo in the middle
Our family in the Middle East is growing fast! The twin grand-boys just turned one-year-old and sadly, we haven’t met them yet. We hope to rectify that situation later this year. The three older children, twins Evelyne and Isaiah, and middle child Solomon (“Solo”) are really great with the twin boys, entertaining them and gladly playing with them. Lisa texted us yesterday to let us know that their country has just gone into a three-week nationwide lock-down due to the Covid19 surge. It is challenging enough to have five young children but not to be able to take them outside to play in the park or at the sea for three weeks is very disconcerting. Please continue to pray for Lisa and Jonathan and their children for their safety and sanity. They are continuing to do wonderful work from home even though movements have been severely limited.
We have been sorry to learn of the passing of a number of our long-time ministry partners this past year. We greatly miss Suzy Crowell, George Cassat, Don Persyn, Lee Pettijohn, Nick Leaver and Pastor Sammy O’Dell. We long for the time we can be reunited with all our family and friends forever! In the meantime, we pray for you and yours and want you know that our hearts are full of gratitude for your prayers for our family and ministry, and for generous support over these many years, especially in this past challenging one.
With gratitude, love and blessings,
Ross and Tammy