Newsletter — November 2018-January 2019
Baby Solomon will soon turn six months and the twins, Evelyne and Isaiah, are almost two and half. We are so delighted to have had this time with Lisa and Jonathan and their family close by here in Southern California. We treasure our walks to the nearby parks and having Isaiah and Evelyne visit “Grammy Tammy and Grandpa’s house!” The family’s next adventure will take them in the early Spring to serve God’s precious children in the Middle East. Please pray for the family as they make preparations for yet another amazing overseas outreach serving God’s precious children, and please pray that they would succeed in raising the necessary funds to make their important ministry possible.
Newsletter — August-October 2018
Just six weeks after Lisa and Jonathan and family returned from Central Asia, on May 22nd, they welcomed Solomon Paul, little brother to grand-twins Evelyne and Isaiah. We are thrilled to have them close by, at least for the next 10 months or so, before the family moves on to another overseas assignment. It was a delight to have the twins sleep over for 3 nights prior to Solomon’s arrival. Heidi and Ryan, Grace and Gabriel were also able to join us to meet their new nephew and cousin. Heidi and her wonderful family just returned from 3 weeks in Lima, Peru where Heidi was busy with important work for the Innovations for Poverty Action organization where she is Director of Policy and Communications. Heidi is currently in Accra, Ghana, working with their government to improve the lives of many!
Newsletter — May-July 2018
Perhaps one of the quickest and most inspiring international ministry trips took place the last weekend in January. I was invited to visit the United Kingdom, and in particular churches in the cities of Cardiff and Llanelli, Wales, by my dear friends Pastor Gary and Deborah Glenister. A very warm Welsh welcome was extended by the two Grace Communion congregations, the Llanelli (hardest word to properly pronounce in the English/Welsh languages!) Salvation Army and at the Soup Station wonderfully sponsored each Sunday evening by the Llanelli house church, enthusiastically being the hands, lips and eyes of Jesus to so many – a small body of believers with a really big heart!
Newsletter — February-April 2018
November began with a trip to Sacramento CA where I was honored to provide music for a Retirement Dinner and Video Tribute to my dear friends, Pastor Mike and Sandy Swagerty. I was also able to include serving as a guest worship leader/speaker at two Grace Communion congregations – one in Fairfield CA, hosted by Pastor Steve Smith, and the other in Reno, NV, pastored by Ed Kofol. It was wonderful to catch up with dear friends Rae Neller, and Marcia and Dan Fricke, as well as so many from all over California gathered to “roast” the Swagertys!